The Ankhet Gazette
Issue #11: 11 Hathyr 2756
18 June 2007

Peace in Our Time?
By: The Mouth

giorgioh (A: Selket) posted an offer of sitting down to negotiate terms for a ceasefire between his group and the Shadows. Silhouette (N: Shadows) responded with an announcement that the Shadows are interested in more than a ceasefire, they just want peace. While no formal response has been made, it appears the longtime feud between these two groups seems may have finally come to an end.

Enter The Riven. The duo of Coelacanth (N: The Riven) and em (The Riven) have realigned The Riven to Sekhmet and recruited former Spartan Mr Brightside (The Riven), former Shadows nomarch Mikolaj (The Riven), and former Ammut ankhet pakhet (The Riven). They have not voiced any actual concerns or motivations for why, but they appear to be engaged in a campaign of provocation against giorgioh (A: Selket), Iron Maiden, and Imperial Conquest. They are also building up and moving into top spots across the paths.

Is a new war coming? Will the Shadows come down for or against The Riven, or will they just sit this one out?

Mr Brightside's Weekly Poll
By: Mr Brightside

This week's poll question was: Which dominion do you think was responsible for the Great Exploitation and subsequent loss of levels and items?

Here are the results:

Please stay tuned to Announcements for next week's poll!

Be Afraid!
By: The Ape

We wanted to know which NPCs are the most dangerous. Rather than measure them by vitality or damage done, we wanted to see which ones have been the most prolific killers according to the Heralds. Cue the monkeys:

1.Fell Dao Lord (Forsaken Plane)715
2.Heathen Heretic (Labyrinth)435
3.Menthu Aeon (Western Mountains)376
4.Errant Djinn (The Pit)307
5.Baba (Forsaken Plane)334
6.Hell Sphinx (Forsaken Keep)206
7.Sekhmet Heretic (Second Portal)175
8.Apep Aeon (Antiquities)168
9.Ammut Assassin (Fifth Portal)157
10.Minotaur (Labyrinth)154

Ask Miss Mummy
Dear Miss Mummy,
Why do the orb colors keep changing? Do they mean anything important?
Colin Colorful

Well, Colorful, the changing colors on the orbs and the Ankhet winged disc represent which season we are in. Red for burning, blue for deluge, brown for reaping, and white/silver for brumal. There is also black for when the Eye of Menthu is open, but we're not sure if that's a season or just another aspect of burning.

Tip of the Week
It is possible to bottle anima during the Deluge season for use at another time. Some preparation is required, but it can be useful when you need to get that last .1% to level up or need just a little more anima to finish off your enemy.

During the deluge, a new Nomad Caravan encounter appears in the Eastern Desert. Sometimes a merchant will offer to sell you glowing vials. These cost 100 anima each. The first step is to buy as many as you want. (Sometimes the merchant may offer you a rare and valuable artifact. It costs 500 anima, so always try to have at least 500 while you are searching for caravans just in case!)

To cash the glowing vials in, you will need to visit the Floating Market. After you have helped him with his invention, Karawan, owner of the Help Wanted sign, will exchange 100 anima per each one of your glowing vials.

Top of the Game
Here is the list of Ankhets as of 11 Hathyr, 2756 (Bold indicates a change from the previous issue)
Ahmose: Mikolaj (75, The Riven)
Amin-Ra: Coelacanth (75, N: The Riven)
Ammut: Emau (40)
Anubis: Mullhotep (72, Shadows)
Bast: Tay (31, Red Lantern Core)
Hathor: em (69, The Riven)
Menthu: reígn (57)
Selket: gîorgîoh (75)
Sekhmet: Mr Brightside (80, The Riven)
Thoth: akhenuraeus (45, Shadows)
Dominion: Iron Maiden (74)
Beast Slayers: 50 – The Juggernaut (Iron Maiden)
Truth Sayers: 133 - Baltar (Shadows)

The big changes this week seem to be The Riven taking over the Annals. Four of their five members have moved into Ankhet positions. For how long?

Quote(s) of the Week
What I would like is for a sit down; you and a couple of Shadows, Me and two other representatives of Iron Maiden and Imperial Conquest. We cut to the chase: peace.” – gîorgîoh (to Baltar)
The Underworld: I owe a lot of people an explanation :Post #44

Shadows considers the recent event chain at an end and celebrates the current state of peace. Long may it prevail!” – Silhouette
Announcements: Just To Be Clear

Let us all rejoice. Ankhet is now a place where all disciples can enjoy peace and prosperity. I, for one, am extremely pleased.” – reign
Announcements: Opaque to the clarity on things clear

If eidolon and Shadows wish for peace they should go join Antirhodos' quilting bee and leave the big boys to sort things out. If any in gio's gangs are looking for peace they should find a new affiliation.” – Mr Brightside
The Underworld: I owe a lot of people an explanation :Post #103

This is a formal request that no one open the Eye of Menthu. Anyone who does so will no longer recieve any assistance from me for an indeterminate time.” – Malarthi
Announcements: Attention all disciples

Has anyone opened the eye? No. So don't get your togas (or whatever else you may (or may not) be wearing) sweaty about it.” - Arkracer
Announcements: Attention all disciples

i'm looking at you Ozymandias!” – indy
Halls of Initiation: i have to take a crap: Post #6

Meet Your Overlord: Mikolaj
Interviewed by: em.

You recently joined Coelacanth's dominion, The Riven. How do you think this new dominion will influence the game?
The Riven are already influencing the game. The introduction of a new active dominion will always shift Ankhet politics, but the Riven have also subtly changed interdominion dynamics. I'll leave any other predictions to everyone else.

If you went back to the night of The Interposition, would you do anything differently?
It isn't every day that you undertake an action of such magnitude, you're going to learn a few things during the process. So yes, I would have done a few things differently. Mostly small things, or remembering things you normally forget.

Do you use any player as a role-model? If so, who and why?
There are several players that I respect and admire, but I do not try to emulate them.

If you were Oracle for a day, what one change would you make to the game?
If we're assuming I was the President Oracle with only one executive order, I would limit the daily amount of favour each disciple could earn. The cap would be somewhere between 250,000 to 500,000. As things stand, I believe the game is imbalanced.

What was your influence over the Shadows Dominion during your time as Nomarch, compared to the earlier influence of Baltar and later influence of Nefret?
Shadows is filled with intelligent, observant, communicative disciples. As Nomarch, Baltar began a tradition of community discussion and decision, so the biggest influence of any Nomarch in Shadows is mainly political perception.

What's your favorite action? Least favorite? Why?
My overall favorite action would be Condemn, because it helps balance the game. My least favorite action would be Ostracize, because it is so underpowered and redundant that it is useless.

What did you think of the Oracular intervention causing the reversal of your recent attacks on Iron Maiden, Impereal Conquest, and their allies?
It was interesting, to say the least. It was also satisfying to have the reasons for my actions validated immediately. My point was made and proven, but hopefully not forgotten.

When looking for allies of your own, what traits do you look for?
Intelligence, independence and loyalty.

What kinds of responsibilities do you believe that we, as players, have in the game.
This is a game. Each players' main objective should be to have fun.

There're no desert islands in Ankhet, so I can't ask what one item you wish you had on a desert island, but let's say you were in a new area of the game where you were only allowed one artifact. Not knowing anything about the area (whether it's fighting, sphinxing, something else entirely) what one artifact would you wish you had with you?
A Pharaoh's Headdress. I may not get an edge in that area, but at least I'll look good.

From the Editor’s Desk:
Enjoying TAG? Want to see it continue?

Contribute! We are currently looking for:
  • Interviews with any of the current Nomarchs (or people willing to interview and we will assign one for you)
  • Tips for levelling.
  • Articles on the Path of Selket
  • Articles on the Dark Pyramid

Please send any questions, comments, or submissions to Submissions for next week's issue should be in by Friday evening.
Previous Issues can be viewed by using the Archives button below.

Note: Look and feel borrowed liberally from Ankhet. Ankhet the game is available at