The Ankhet Gazette
Issue #16: 16 Choiak 2756
23 July 2007

The Oracle Chat
By: The Eye & Whisperer

Like those that came before it, the Oracle Chat held on the 20th delivered. Attended by the Oracles of Thebes, Abydos, and Isis, there were plenty of answers, teasers, and prizes to be had. As usual, the topics ranged from the new Adjure system, to rewriting the library scrolls, all the way down to speculation about the ultimate fate of Harry Potter. A common compliant was the addition of the Kuk Theurgist to the Forsaken Plane and Mukhwana Mosi to the Empyreal Area. Both of these pests deal damage before combat begins and their inclusion makes both of these Sekhmet favorite haunts a little less welcoming. The Oracles explained that these areas were producing far more favour than they were designed for and that the new critters would adjust that. Another revelation involved Selket’s Puzzle Box, which you can pick up during the Reaping for a cool million favour. Apparently as new items are introduced to the game, they may also find their way into puzzle boxes. While this reporter still isn’t convince that they’re worth it, at least that’s something positive about them. The Oracles also indicated that they would be removing “assassin” style monsters from the Gauntlet. The Errant Djinn and Ammut Assassin have been among the game’s least popular encounters, killing disciples instantly regardless of potency or vitality. Already the Assassin is striking for absurd damages, which Thebes admitted required more tweaking. The matter of the Time-Warp bug was brought up several times, but the Oracles quashed it. When asked about why the offender wasn’t revealed or banned, the answer came back “Because we are generous”. Other juicy tidbits include the revelation that there are no artifacts with negative effects. The Oracles declined to comment when asked if there were artifacts that did nothing at all. When asked if there were new paths on the horizon, Thebes said, “Right now I don't see any more. But then again, later tonight I might see a cool Egyptian god name or dream up a cool theme (like blessing or might) and bam! new path.”

The contests were all trivia and prizes included a Metasis Charm, a Headdress, and even the otherwise undiscovered Menthu Crest. The most challenging question seemed to be the first. The Oracles asked how a player could receive a kiss from Selket and live to tell about it. In the end Akhenuraeus won that one. Do you know the answer?

As usual there were teaser and TAG has them!

We demons are creatures of equal opportunity, but we despise meddling from outsiders,” he explains as though to a child. “Well, a certain Serpopard, who makes its home in the Western Jungles, has taken to doing just that. If you would kindly take a message to him for me, I would greatly appreciate it. The message? A painful death, of course. Now go.” The demon dismissively waves you away, turning his attentions instead to the effort of refilling his pipe.

We’re not sure what this one’s about:

Her eyes flickering with malice, the Black Oracle mumbles a vulgar chant, casting a fistful of blackened sand into your eyes. When finally your vision returns you find yourself standing in a virtually lightless place. Above you, a long circular tunnel leads up towards the distant flicker. You must be at the bottom of some accursed well. The water here is knee deep and the air is rank with decay, stagnation, and miasma. Faintly, you can make out the sounds of the crone above laughing manically. A rope, ending in a small bucket, hangs down the length of the shaft above. You’re relatively sure you could use it to escape. Between the darkness and the ambient mist, you can’t see anything else down here. Which way will you go?

This is believed to be an excerpt from the Black Well. And finally:

Attune your Ka to the Darkness...

While the meaning of this one is up for grabs, this reporter thinks it may have something to do with Ka Attunement and the Divine Paths, things the Oracles hinted to expect in the upcoming expansion to mod 4.

B-HG's TAG Poll
Here are the results to the question: What would you like to be done to desecrate?

Tip of the Week
Similar to much of Mod 3, Mod 4 can be unlocked through the Eastern Desert. If you still haven't found out what everyone else is doing then check Selket for any new wares!

Top of the Game
Here are the current Ankhets: (Bold indicates a change from the previous issue)
Ahmose: Baltar (72, Shadows)
Amin-Ra: Euplicitous Aerophram (81, N: The Riven)
Ammut: Emau (40)
Anubis: Archinta (62, N: eidolon)
Apophis: Bobby Light (40)
Atum-Ra: reígn (83, N: Nekhen)
Bast: Parislan (34, Shadows)
Hathor: Ozymandias (75, eidolon)
Menthu: None.
Selket: Maa-kheru (75)
Sekhmet: Mullhotep (80, Shadows)
Thoth: Umbraj (50, Shadows)
Dominion: Iron Maiden (75)
Beast Slayers: 50 – The Juggernaut (N: Iron Maiden)
Truth Sayers: 133 - Baltar (Shadows)

Ozymandias has overtaken Belle Morte for Hathor. Mullhotep has stepped into vacated Sekhmet. The new Mod 4 paths of Atum-Ra and Apophis have been taken by reígn and Bobby Light respectively.

From the Editor’s Desk:
Enjoying TAG? Want to see it continue?

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